Elko New Market
Chamber of Commerce
The premier resource and catalyst for business growth and economic vitality within our community.
Why join the ENM Chamber?
The Elko New Market Chamber of Commerce exists to contribute to the success of local businesses. As a member, your business can benefit from the following:
Business Listing
Listing with company name, contact, a website link and phone number and also an address for your retail/storefront presence.
Networking Events
Network with other businesses in the community, share referrals and potentially expand your customer base.
Market your business through sponsorships, posts on the Chamber’s Facebook page and other Chamber marketing initiatives.
Enhanced Visibility
with the Elko New Market community through Chamber outreach activities.

Brian Hong
The respectful workplace presentation was excellent – numerous chamber members complimented the event. We appreciate the time and effort that Jane McCampbell gave to make our first lunch and learn a huge success!

Shari Luebbert
Pastor, Tapestry Vineyard Church
Jane McCampbell’s talk at the latest Lunch & Learn was fascinating. She helped me to see how leaders can change the emotional atmosphere of the workplace by refusing to interact with employees characterizing the controlling ‘one-up’ communication style or the manipulative ‘one-down’ communication style. Respect flows from the leader’s value for herself and others and can create a workplace where employees are at their best.

Tony Bluthe
The Multi Chamber "Meet and Eat" event was one of the best Chamber events I have ever attended. I met over 15 new business associates and traded business cards with all of them. Many of the people I met were very helpful and full of ideas that will benefit our school district. The food, accommodations, and how the "Meet and Eat" was run was simply amazing. I would do this again, very soon!
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